Thursday, July 14, 2011

Model and the snake part 2

On this shot Bree switched to her new snake that she rescued from the animal shelter. I was surprised how the snake was so comfortable under the studio lights in a whole new environment. I even went up and touched the snake and let him coil around my arm a little and I’m not a big snake fan. This happened to be Bree’s favorite shot on this series, basically everything was set up the same way as the photo in the first post. Usually it’s a no no to show too much of the whites of the eyes but I thought her eyes, look and looking off to the side added to the mysterious feel of the image.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Model and the snake part 1

This was a experimental model shoot I did in late December with Bree and her pet snakes. I had never really worked with animals before on a shoot, especially snakes! Not knowing what to expect from the snakes, they behaved perfectly and the flash from the studio strobes did not seem to bother them. Also on this shoot I was working with Marielle, the makeup artist and also does hair. She did a stellar job, she matched the lip stick to Bree's hair color and the rest of the makeup was just perfect. The shot was done with a Nikon D200 with a Nikkor 60mm micro lens, a couple of Photogenic studio strobes and a Westcott tri-flector, which was positioned just under her arms. Normally I would warm up the skin tones on a fair skinned model but I didn't care what id did to the over all image and since snakes are cold blooded I left the image as shot with her skin looking a little pale.